marzo 2016

Popular Party against our Odinist community

Again the political controversy arises in our Odinist community. After the unjustified refusal of the government of the political party currently in power to officially recognize our religion, this appeared in the news:…/cospedal-lamenta-que-…/ (PP (or Partido Popular(«Popular Party»)), Spanish main right wing party is the political party currently in power). Direct statements from the …

Popular Party against our Odinist community Leer más »


Te aconsejamos, Loddfáfnir, que tomes el consejo, te hará bien, si lo tomas, te será bueno, si lo sigues: zapatero no seas ni fabriques dardos si no es para ti mismo; si son malos los zapatos o si el dardo está torcido es que te desean mal. Havamal, 126 Una palabra que nos venden hoy …

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